Topic: Social Justice

Binary Misses So Much

We have lived in a gender binary construct for so long, that it is a constant challenge to look beyond those walls.  Rev. Byrd is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Westfield Center and a founder of the Prysm group in Wooster.  He … read more.

Immigration: Behind the Scenes View

Ms.  Dirksen has worked tirelessly for many years on issues of immigration – justice, language, hospitality – meeting every day needs of those who are new to our country.  These are people we often don’t even notice!

The Immigrant in All of Us

What would we do if asked to harbor a refugee? How do we draw the lines of “who’s in and who’s out? Ethical decisions really don’t get any less complex, no matter how long we’ve been living them…nor do consequences
get any lighter.

MOCA House

Today the National Alliance on Mental Illness will present information on MOCA, its large recovery program. Several MOCA staff persons and volunteers will speak. There will be first-hand accounts of recovery from various participants in a video developed by a MOCA member.

Rev. Strawn … read more.

Black Lives Matter

Rev. Joe will help us “think” as we prepare for a congregational decision on what our public witness on racial justice might say. He serves the UU Society of Cleveland, where -last year- they posted two signs, “Black Lives Matter”…”All Lives Are Precious”. AND they have … read more.


Our national history has been a series of mergers and divisions as historical currents lead us together and apart.  In this interactive service, we will engage some of this history.

Checking Our Progress

It is the time to remember Juneteenth and the “end of slavery”, Stonewall and the end of harassment based on sexual orientation, and our ongoing attention to social justice.

Earth Day: a Multi-generational Celebration

What does it mean to live out our 7th principle? Kevin Lowry and the Youth Community will lead us in worship as we discover what it means to put our Unitarian Universalist faith into action! Children and Youth will remain in the service so that … read more.