Please partner with the RE staff and volunteers to make a more meaningful experience for your children in the following ways:

Encourage Attendance • Children who attend regularly feel like participants, rather than feeling left out because they’ve missed something. They will get a better understanding of the curriculum if they attend as often as possible, especially since many units of study last several weeks.

Show An Interest • Ask your child what went on in RE each week and encourage discussion of your child’s opinions. (Very young children may give the standard answer of “nothing,” but will become more forthcoming later if you ask.)

Stay Informed • The monthly newsletter and weekly email is our main means of communication with you. Please read these carefully to be up to date on RE lesson themes, service projects, or upcoming special events.

Keep US Informed of changes in your contact information and any significant changes in family life that may impact your children. We want to support you and your children as much as possible!

Share YOUR Beliefs • Let your child know your religious beliefs. Talk about how you act on beliefs about fairness, tolerance, etc., and provide your child with opportunities to do so as well. Explain why you chose this fellowship and what it means to you.

Get Involved • Our RE program is successful thanks to its many dedicated volunteers! Please consider volunteering as a classroom facilitator, on the RE Committee, in the nursery, or for our summer programs. In this way, you will be modeling the volunteerism that sustains our fellowship and denomination. Even if you are not sure you want to commit to several weeks of leading lessons, many other opportunities for your participation exist, as well. We all have the ability to make a lasting impression. We all have something to share.

We Want Your Feedback! Let us know how we are doing. We welcome your ideas and suggestions, as your support is vital to the progress and success of our RE Program. Remember, the children in RE today are the congregation members of tomorrow, so stay involved. Let us know what kinds of curricula you would like to see, participate in multigenerational services, and stay connected!

Questions? Contact the Director of Religious Education, Kelly Chandler, at dre@uufwc.org