Tending to Our Sprouts

This is the time of year that gardeners begin to dream of the year to come. At UUFWC how will we tend to our youngest members together? This service for UUs of all ages will follow up on Saturday’s Religious Exploration Startup conversations. Our worship service with Rev. Wolfe will ask us all to consider the meaning and purpose in our religious exploration program. Through story, song, and conversation, we will wonder what it looks like to grow together.  What do all of us – of all ages in this community bring to our ministry together in religious exploration?

Rev. Sunshine J. Wolfe, UUA Congregational Life Staff, Rev. Jennie Barrington, Interim Minister, Jenni Papp, Director of Religious Education, Jess Eikelberry, Youth Ministry Coordinator

Join us via Zoom. There will be a waiting room. Please have your name visible.


Meeting ID: 861 9596 8315

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