Topic: Multigen

Celebration Of Water Communion

This service officially begins our congregational year. People bring water from their travels or their own tap.  We honor this incredible resource, we gather it to be used as we dedicate children throughout the coming year. Vivian Ashcraft is the Worship Associate. The choir … read more.

Cooks and Books

Has your nose picked-up delightful smells this summer? The RE Summer Program has focus on studying world culture and cooking up good things.  Students will be invited to reproduce some of their favorites.

The congregation is invited to bring a dish of their … read more.

Candlelight Christmas Eve service

At 7pm:  This will be our traditional service with readings and stories and carols.  You are welcome to bring some of those extra Christmas cookies for sharing after the service. There will be non-alcoholic Wassail after the service.

Experiencing Beauty

Our 9:30 service will encompass story, music, and visuals.  Our 11:00 service will be less “active” with a little more time for contemplation. This service is multigenerational.  There are no RE classes, only Nursery care offered.