Speaker: Ruth Sewell

All Souls

Join us in our annual All Souls service as we honor those we have lost over the past year.

Missed the service? Watch it here: https://youtu.be/E5S7L58IoQY

All Souls

We often reflect over the events of the calendar year as it ends, often dwelling on the memories of those we have lost. This Sunday we gather in comfort and share our losses in this traditional UUFWC service where we light candles and share. Led … read more.

All Soul’s Day

We often reflect back over the events of the calendar year as it comes to a close, especially dwelling on the memories of those we have lost. Where, as Unitarian Universalists, do we turn in times of loss to find comfort? This Sunday we share … read more.

All Souls Service

Ruth Sewell will lead us in our annual All Soul’s Service.

Join us via Zoom. There will be a waiting room. Please have your name visible.


Meeting ID: 861 9596 8315

One tap mobile +16465588656,,86195968315# US (New York) +13017158592,,86195968315# US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 861 9596 8315

Dial by … read more.

All Souls Day Remembrance

Every year for All Soul’s Day we remember those that have left us.

We invite you to submit names of these individuals to be published in the Sunday bulletin. A basket is on the table in the foyer for this purpose. Please fill out this form … read more.

All Souls Service

On this Sunday, we will remember the lives which have passed from our midst, the lessons we have learned, and the truth of mortality.  Steve Cook will be the Worship Associate; the Adult Choir will sing.

All Souls Service

Each year, we remember those loved ones who have passed from our lives. You are invited to bring pictures or mementos. Names are listed during the service and all are invited to speak the name of the beloved one who has
died or to share a brief … read more.

All Souls Service

Each year we honor the loved ones whom we have lost in the past year or before. This is a time of reflection, sharing and support.