Speaker: Rev. Elaine Strawn

Meaning and Belonging

What binds us together through our triumphs and our losses?  How can a spiritual community help us to become our best selves [even when we have our doubts?]. The warmth of community and the compassion of companions form our theme as we focus … read more.

Blue Christmas

The December holidays can seem overwhelming due to past memories, deaths of loved ones, lost expectations.  This service is one of reflection, sharing, compassion.  Everyone is welcomed.

But What If I’m NOT Grateful?

November spells out the theme of gratitude, but sometimes, it is so hard to get into that spirit…gratitude must be an honest reckoning with our lives.  Helen Meyers is the Worship Associate.  The Folk Orchestra will play.

It Takes a Vision

The person who marches ahead without thinking, often lands in a place they didn’t intend.  Just so, often we are surprised by where we find ourselves when we were daydreaming.  This congregation has been engaging in a very thoughtful and intentional visioning of who we … read more.


Everybody has a task, a “to do” list, things they love to do and things they hate.  What are some of yours? And what was the thing you KNEW you had to do?

This is a multigenerational service with music, stories, and more. Steve Cook is … read more.

Doing What Must Be Done

Vocation is our theme for this month.  People have jobs and careers, but they don’t always reflect what fires that person’s passion.  What is YOUR passion, your calling?   Inez Bird is the Worship Associate.

We return to 2 services today – at 9:30 am and 11 … read more.

Blessing of the Animals

Each year, we invite the four legged and two legged to attend the service together.  In the tradition of St. Francis, we bless these beloved members of our families who usually must stay at home on a Sunday.  There will be water bowls around the … read more.

Celebration Of Water Communion

This service officially begins our congregational year. People bring water from their travels or their own tap.  We honor this incredible resource, we gather it to be used as we dedicate children throughout the coming year. Vivian Ashcraft is the Worship Associate. The choir … read more.

Will the Center Hold?

It’s fine to “follow our own paths” but what unites us as we choose and work toward the common good?  In a world which bases decisions on conflicting world views and news sources, what holds us together?  Ivie Sorkin is the Worship Associate.