Speaker: Rev. Elaine Strawn

The Calm Amidst Change

Things are changing around us; we are changing. How do we build that solid ground underneath is which allows us to be flexible yet sturdy, vulnerable yet strong? The Folk Orchestra will perform.

 And Grace Will Lead Me Home

Katherine Ozmet wrote “Grace without God” when working through a process of explaining to her children exactly what spiritual support undergirded her.  Grace is a concept large enough for all of us. The Folk Orchestra will perform.

CANCELLED – Out of the Silence

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote, “Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Through story,  song and action, we will focus on the work that matters. This is a multi-gen service.

Following the 2nd service, join Elaine Strawn for questions, discussion … read more.


What comes to mind when you think of grace. Elegant movement? Prayer before dinner? A welcoming and engaging hostess or host? Here’s my favorite: “grace is to do honor or credit to someone or something through one’s presence.” The Folk Orchestra will perform.

Following the 2nd … read more.

Starting Over

The year begins; we know the changes we’d like to make. Sometimes we’re filled with guilt over past indulgences, wasted days, squandered resources. What if we let a little grace into our veins? Forgiveness, calm, love?  Helen Meyers is the Worship Associate.

Following the 2nd service, … read more.


At the end of a long year, we pause to reflect.  What has brought peace to us?  And how do we carry this understanding into the coming year? Steve Cook is the Worship Associate.

Candlelight Service for Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve, we sing carols, share stories and readings, and end with the glow of candlelight.  Join us!  If you’d like, bring some of your favorite Christmas cookies to share as we gather for Wassail [non-alcoholic] following the service.

Looking for the Light

The spiritual traditions of the world gather for various rituals during this, the darkest time of the year in the Western Hemisphere.  We kindle lights as well as hope during this service.  Inez Bird is the Worship Associate.