Category: news

We voted to call Rev. Walter Clark!

The UUFWC has voted to call Rev. Walter Clark as our next minister!

Voting results are 113 ‘yes’ votes out of 113 votes cast. [there were 0 no votes]

Please join us in officially welcoming Rev. Walter, Wendy, Willow, and William to Wooster!

Bingo Card for Winter Quarter

Join us for some spiritual growth at your own pace! New cards each quarter. Fill in all the squares with a color and/or a date and return them to by 4/15/2021 for a chance to win a prize! If you need a paper copy, … read more.

We will build both phases at once!

Thank you to the presenters at the Congregational meeting on the 22nd. 
Thanks to everyone for all the good questions and thank you for voting! 

The congregation was asked to vote whether to approve or disapprove a motion to take out a Line of Credit loan that … read more.

Legacy Challenge

The Legacy Challenge has exceeded its goal! As of November 28th, we had received $104,950 in pledges and gifts allowing us to leverage the entire $100,000 match. This means we will have an additional $200,000 for the expansion project. 

You are all supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Peg … read more.

The Search is on!

We are at work putting together the UUFWC congregational record that will tell prospective candidates about us and what we are looking for in a new, settled minister. We will be asking you to share your thoughts with us and to attend a training that … read more.

August 9th on the Square

Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 9, 10:30-noon, to show up on the square and demonstrate Unitarian Universalism’s stance on racial justice.

Local organizers have asked faith communities to express their support for this issue by taking responsibility for a particular Sunday. Our Sunday will be … read more.

COVID 19 Reopening

The Reopening committee has created guidelines for use of the building by groups of 10 or fewer people WHEN THE COUNTY RETURNS TO LEVEL ORANGE

There are several conditions that must be met:  
1.  All events must be held in Strawn Hall or outside. … read more.