What Ministry Means to Me

Rev. Walter Clark introduces himself and talks about his journey of discovery and love for Unitarian Universalism and how he imagines the faith in its role of creating a better world for all who dwell in it.

“Candidating Week” will begin with this worship service, and will end with a worship service and a congregational meeting to vote to call the new settled minister on May 2nd. We need every member to do their part to engage in this historically important week in your Fellowship! Please be assured that your search committee, board, staff, and I are already planning for multiple ways for you to get to know the Candidate, virtually and, if possible, in small groups in person. The “vote to call” will be done via a jot form, so that all members have the opportunity to vote confidentially. I am expecting that in approximately two weeks we will be able to give you more details about the Candidating Week, congregational meeting, and vote. 

And so, in this time when we are about to be immersed in the search process’s Candidating Week and vote-to-call, I urge you to inform yourselves, help other members stay informed, and to creatively engage.


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