The Cup and the Flame

On the very special Sunday we re-dedicate our newly expanded building to the mission of this congregation and celebrate community together. Join us at either 9am or 11am for this unique service featuring the folk orchestra, soloists, a reading from Rev. Jennie and a joint sermon from Rev. Walter and Rev. Elaine.

On March 1st, the reopening committee met. We are happy to announce the following changes to our COVID protocols. In large groups (worship) we will continue to mask, but we will no longer enforce social distancing. This means that we can increase the number of people we can have in the sanctuary on March 6th. If you have made reservations, we ask that you keep them. If you have not made a reservation, you are welcome to come without one. We will keep six social distance pods in the sanctuary for those who wish to maintain social distancing.

If you missed the worship service it can be viewed here:

In between the 2 services, we shifted to a Rededication Appreciation ceremony. You can view it here: