The UUFWC has a vibrant Children’s Religious Exploration Program (RE) with more than 80 children registered. Our group of dedicated and trained adult leaders explore the monthly congregational worship theme with the children using our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles  as a framework through which they can explore their beliefs. Our goal is to nurture the developing faith and spirituality of children. Questions are encouraged!

Below you will find relevant information about our children’s RE program as we meet online while the building is closed to in-person meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Our Seven UU Principles in child-friendly language:

-Respect all people

-Offer fair and kind treatment to all

-Yearn to accept and learn about ourselves, others, and mystery

-Grow by exploring what is true and right in life

-Believe in our ideas and act on them

-Insist on a peaceful, fair, and free world for all

-Value our home, the earth, which we share with all living things



What to Expect on Sundays during our online sessions in 2020-2021

From September through May,  religious exploration (RE) sessions are offered for children in kindergarten through grade 12 on Sunday morning.  Weekly resources for families to use at home are provided in a newsletter from the Director or Religious Education, Jenni Papp.

Families with pre-school children are provided with a UU parenting resource that is self-guided.

On the second and fourth Sundays the kindergarten through fifth grade children meet on Zoom with adult leaders at 9:00 for 45 minutes.  Children are encouraged to log into the 10:00 worship service with their family to participate in all-age appropriate worship that includes music, lighting our chalice, and a story-based Time for All Ages.

Youth in sixth to ninth grade are invited to participate three to four Sundays per month in a online exploration of world religions at 10:00 in a Zoom session.  Learn more about this offering here.  Youth offerings

Helpful RE Links  

Director of Religious Education, Jenni Papp

Visiting for the first time? 

Current Prospectus

Register your child for RE