
Membership in the Fellowship is a dynamic process that individuals may engage with at various steps along the way. We offer UU Inquiry classes about twice a year to provide a forum for learning about our Unitarian and Universalist heritage and how our own fellowship functions.  Official members of the UUFWC have made a commitment to the congregation, spoken with the minister, signed the Membership book and recognize their financial responsibilities as members.
Friends of the UUFWC are individuals who have chosen not to become official members, but who are welcome to participate in the congregation and are an important part of of our community.  Friends are welcome to attend meetings, serve on committees, but can not serve on the Board or vote at congregational meetings.
If you would like to receive more information about the UUFWC, feel free to contact the Membership Coordinator.
Becoming a member of the congregation is welcomed and encouraged but not required.