our board

Our Fellowship is governed by a Board consisting of seven persons elected from among the congregation’s members and the past president. Using Policy Governance as their guide [Policy details in pdf format] they focus on the congregation’s vision and on creating policies which make our congregation run smoothly and smartly. Our minister also participates in all board meetings as a non-voting member.

our committees

Standing committees play a key role in doing much of the work of our congregation.  The Committee Council [made up of the committee chairpersons] meets quarterly to plan and coordinate all programming.

Facilities Committee: Oversees the physical needs of the congregation. They keep the building and grounds up to date with repairs as needed and work with volunteers on our beautiful landscaping. This team meets as needed.

Finance Committee: Advises the board on financial matters, collects budget requests from committees, and prepares suggested budget for the board. They meet monthly.

Lay Pastoral Committee: Offers help to our members in times of crisis. They supply meals, send cards and flowers.

Membership Committee: Welcomes visitors and members at the door, and works with the membership coordinator to connect newcomers and members as well as old friends to the Fellowship. They meet monthly.

Music Committee: Works with the Director of Music to plan musical programs and choir selections for services; the team also plans and presents two Coffee Houses each year. They meet every other month.

Library:  Develops and maintains a cataloged collection of materials that address Unitarian Universalist concerns (social action, spiritual practice, etc.).  Helps the Religious Education Director develop and maintain a children’s collection that is supportive of the curriculum.

Leadership Development Team: Nominates future Board and LDT members to be elected by the congregation’s Annual Meeting. They also plan and provide training for committee leaders. Meets monthly.

Personnel Committee: Serves as a monitor for fair employment practices. This team meets as needed.

Religious Education Committee: With the Director of Religious Education, plans the curricula and schedule for the RE program, including facilitator training, parents’ orientation, and special RE Sunday Services. Meets monthly.

Social Action Committee: Carries out the social action of the Fellowship and examines new issues to be tackled. Meets three times per year.

Stewardship Committee: Creates a culture of stewardship to fulfill the Fellowship’s mission and dreams and facilitates the annual pledge drive. Meets monthly.

Worship Associates: Helps maintain the continuity of our services. With the minister, plans services for the year; members serve as liturgists for services and some present full services. Meets every other month.