lgbtq inclusion
We extend a warm welcome to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families. We offer a place where individuals who are LGBTQ can openly gather to nurture their spirits and put their faith into action by helping to make our communities–and the world–a better place.
UU Clergy • Unitarian Universalism is one of the few religions that ordains openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. UU LGBTQ clergy –who are permitted to partner or marry– participate fully in our faith community as pastors in some of our largest congregations. In fact, the denomination has been ordaining people regardless of sexual orientation since the 1970s, with the first openly transgender person ordained in 1988.
UUFWC: A Welcoming Congregation • We have always welcomed members of the LGBTQ community and have been certified as a Unitarian Universalist Association Welcoming Congregation since 2001. We are inclusive and expressive of the concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons at every level of congregational life—with worship, with programming, and with social occasions, welcoming not only their presence but the unique gifts they bring to our community.
Welcoming Congregation: Learn more about the UUA Welcoming Congregations program.
LGBTQ Equality Group • A pod of the Social Action Committee is committed to promoting LGBTQ equality. Their goal is to educate members and friends of the Fellowship, as well as the public, about the discriminatory realities faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals and their families. The LGBTQ Equality Group sponsors a range of events from movie nights to worship services. Formerly Ohioans for Marriage Equality, the group broadened its mission and reorganized after the Supreme Court decision in 2015 provided marriage equality. Learn more about the group’s activities by visiting their facebook page, which has kept the name Ohioans for Marriage Equality in order to maintain connections with their many followers.