Set-up Crew
- Cashiers
- Room Monitors
- Tear-Down Crew
VOLUNTEERS SHOP BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE! Volunteering for just 2 hours earns you admission to the exclusive Volunteer’s Pre-Sale Thursday Aug.17 @4-6pm
To volunteer: Sign up HERE now or in the UUFWC lobby.
DONATING: We need your gently used household items to sell.
- All items must be already priced when dropped off! This is a change from previous sales.
Ø Don’t delay: Pick up price stickers and a pricing guide in the UUFWC lobby today and get started.
- Drop Off: Donated Items can be dropped off Tues.& Wed. Aug. 15 & 16 @5-7pm, and Thurs. Aug.17 @2-4pm in the Sanctuary.