Spring Cleanup! Landscape Workday and Dress Down Day – April 28, after each service
We need people to clean out dead wood, do some mulching of the beds, and general cleanup. We need to prune and shape the shrubs, and the birches in front and around the property. A lunch will be served to the workers after
the second service at noon, in the library. Please bring a dish to share!
Please bring your: Wheelbarrows, Weed Whackers, Rakes, Pitchforks, Shovels, Brush hogs, Trailers for brush,
Chain saws, Gloves, Pruners
ADOPTED BEDS – We will be weeding, pruning, & helping with the beds again this year.
Please adopt a bed!
We have big and little beds for your creative expression. These are the people who adopted beds last year:
Karen Skubik, Helen Ostermiller, Elaine Strawn, Laura Moore, Tim Breiner, Sue Gross, Ruthie Sewell, Susan Heady, Carol Noel, Ivie Sorkin, Merry Gentry, Gochnauer Family
Please come and give us some direction. We want to give the beds a helpful start. Please contact Ruthie if you have any questions, would like to adopt a bed, or are unable to work on your bed this season.