Interim Minister Process – Take our Survey

As we start down the road of ministerial transition, it is important for all of us to understand how the selection processes for an interim minister and a settled minister work.

The process of engaging an interim minister is different than selecting a settled minister, in large part because these two roles are quite different. An interim minister’s tenure, by definition, is short term.  Their work is designed to help us navigate the period between old and new, and to see opportunities for growth and development. The process of selecting an interim is conducted by a ministerial transition committee appointed by the Board and is closely defined and regulated by the UUA.  Although the congregation is not highly involved in the interim selection process, the Board feels it is important to gather some initial feedback from you. Between January 4 and 18, you can provide your input on the kinds of traits and knowledge that you think our interim minister should possess.

Click for the survey