Sign at Burbank Road – update.

On Sunday, September 24, we will hold a congregational vote following each of the services.

The question before us will be:

Shall we amend our current UUFWC sign on Burbank Road to make a public witness statement or leave the sign as it is?

The question will be decided by a simple majority of the total votes cast at the two sessions.

If we choose to amend our sign, we will then vote on the phrases to use. Members will be asked consider the statements of social witness listed below and choose 12 that they support for inclusion on the Burbank road congregational sign.  The 12 statements receiving the most votes will be considered approved by the congregation.

We ask that members indicate their choices by October 3. There will be a way to vote online or by using a paper ballot which members can obtain from our office.

The first line would read:


The second line would be brief statement of a belief that has been approved by a vote of the congregation.  These approved statements would be changed on a monthly basis or perhaps in response to an event on which the congregation wishes to take a stand.

The Witness Statement Candidates:

  1. Value Diversity
  2. Stand on the Side of Justice For All
  3. Stand on the Side of Love
  4. Welcome You, Whoever You Are
  5. Believe Love is Love
  6. Believe Black Lives Matter
  7. Believe No Human Is Illegal
  8. Believe White Silence Costs Lives
  9. Place Our Planet Before Profit
  10. Believe in the Value of the Earth
  11. Stand for Justice for Indigenous People
  12. Believe Kindness is Everything
  13. Welcome Refugees
  14. Believe Water is Life
  15. Believe Women’s Rights are Human Rights
  16. Say Enough is Enough!
  17. See the Person Not the Disability
  18. Seek Justice for the Environment
  19. Ask Please, More Empathy
  20. Believe in People
  21. Believe It’s Time that Black Lives Matter
  22. Say Climate Change is Real
  23. Believe Hate Begets Hate
  24. Believe Science is Real
  25. Support our Muslim Neighbors