Small Groups Begin Again

Small Group Sessions

What is a Small Group?
8-10 people who meet once/twice a month; each session has a different theme
To develop Intimacy (getting to know one another) & Ultimacy (discussing the ultimate questions of meaning in life)
Participants sign-up for a session that meets at a convenient time for your schedule
September-December; February-May

Typical session [90 minutes]
Opening Words
Chalice Lighting
Reading a Suggested Wisdom Story
Readings Quotes from the “Common Bowl”
Sitting in Silent Reflection
Living Question [assigned at the previous group meeting; for example: “Are you too responsible to allow joy to come in?”]
Sharing and Deeper Listening
Extinguishing Chalice
Closing Words/Extinguishing the Chalice

Want to try it out?
Join us for three “practice sessions”:
June 28, July 26, August 23; choose either 11:00am or 7:00pm

Questions or to sign up:
Contact Elaine Strawn