Next UU Inquiry Class

If you’d like to learn more about our Fellowship and how we are organized, please consider attending the fall UU Inquiry Session on September 18th shortly after the second service.

The purpose of UU Inquiries is for people that are new to the Fellowship to spend a little time in a relaxed environment with other new folk as well as some leaders from the congregation.

The Membership committee provides a light lunch and our agenda will include: introductions, a brief history of Unitarian Universalism, information on how our congregation is organized, a description of our adult and children’s religious education programs, and the goals of a few of our key committees including social action, stewardship, and worship. There will be a time for questions and answers.

Past UU Inquiry sessions are usually about 90 minutes, depending on the number attending.

Please email by 9/11 to let her know if you’d like to attend and if you need childcare. The next UU Inquiry session is planned for the spring.