Archives: Services

Scary Stories

The Halloween season is the time for scary stories. Why do we love them so much? Even as
children, we often delight in the wicked witch and Rumpelstiltskin. In this exploratory service, we
delve into the lessons of scary stories.

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More than the signs in our yard

The presidential election is almost here and the polarization in politics seems to only be getting
stronger. How do we handle this division among ourselves while maintaining our dignity and

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The Spirit of Atonement

October 11th and 12th are Yom Kippur this year, the Hebrew Day of Atonement. It is the holiest
day of the year for the Jewish faith. Why is atonement so important and what can we learn from

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What is Lay Pastoral Care?

Cherrill Wertz and Steve Berg from the lay pastoral care team lead a service that talks about the
importance of lay pastoral care to community and the power of listening.

Want to watch us online? Click here:

The Open Invitation

Our faith is deeply grounded in welcoming and inclusion. We see diversity as an asset and work to embrace all people. Yet as a faith we still struggle with racial, economic, and class diversity. How do we overcome these hurdles as a denomination?

Missed the service? … read more.

The Congregation is the Curriculum

We kick of the beginning of this year’s Religious Exploration program with an introduction to our new DRE, messages from the DRE search team about the importance of Religious Exploration for our community and our faith. We also encourage that you have your school age … read more.

Water Communion

Join us for our annual Water Communion ritual. You are invited to bring water to service from a place that is special to you. Whether it be from a place you visited over the summer or your very own tap. In this exploratory service there … read more.

Does Our Work Define Us?

One of the first questions we often ask when meeting someone for the first time is “What do you do for a living?” While this question is often asked with genuine curiosity, it reveals how our culture ties identity to productivity and values different types … read more.

Lessons From My Cat

This Sunday is our Blessing of the Animals service. Join us as youth
Preston Beery tells us what he has learned from his cats and how the animals in our lives have
deep lessons to teach us. Please feel free to bring your dogs, birds, reptiles and … read more.